  1. Sockdrawer Sock Book, read for free!

    A thank you book for our dear hosiery and sock wearers!   We are very thankful for the challenging and yet creative opportunity that we have experienced through Sockdrawer. We would like to extend our gr...
  2. Sock and heart warmth for cold winter months

    Sock and heart warmth for cold winter months ______________ Autumn has sneakily arrived and brought dim and cold nights together with it. We, at Sokisahtel, have a huge variety of solutions to ...
  3. Nilit® Ecocare: Caring for the Environment, Focused on the Future

    Nilit® Ecocare: Caring for the Environment, Focused on the Future _______ Throughout the years our loyal customers have been asking for tights that have been created usi...
  4. What's what in the world of hosiery?

    What's what in the world of hosiery? _______ Denier (DEN) Denier (DEN) is a unit of weight used to express the fineness of yarn or fibre, and thus to describe the thickness o...
  5. Socks quotes

    Socks quotes _______ Sometimes mind wonders, sometimes it wanders... Interestingly enough most things in our life we seem to take for granted. I recently thought about how it’s the same w...
  6. Sokisahtel is turning 10!

    Sokisahtel is turning 10! _______ Yay! Sokisahtel turns already 10 in March! It’s always fun during birthdays to recall things that have been accomplished but also peek into the future. A...
  7. Tights' recommendations from our office ladies

      TIGHTS' RECOMMENDATIONS FROM OUR OFFICE LADIES Environmentally friendly Grete and Kreete - ECOCARE line In Sokisahtel we believe that taking care of our nature and surroundin...
  8. Personalized socks as a gift - we've got you covered!

    For which occasion are personalized socks made for?  We believe that there are many situations in which personalized socks are perfect! Fun events and important dates that could be marked on the socks. You can modify the text or numbers on the ...
  9. Sokisahtel has a large variety of tights and stockings for curvy beauties too!

    “Sorry, we don’t carry your size, it’s not the standard,” says the shop assistant when a bit taller, curvier and “out of the standard size” client wanders around the allies of a clothing store. Imagine this, you fi...
  10. Eneli’s crazy good lemon & lime cake recipe for those who prefer to cook without an oven!

    Here’s a delicious lemon and lime cake recipe which is perfect for every occasion. Eneli, from our own office, tried it out and allowed us to share the recipe with all of you! The cake doesn’t need cooking so there’s no need to fear...